“Luxembourg is a gift of iron as Egypt is a gift of the Nile”
Carlo Hemmer
The history of the steel industry and that of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have been closely linked for more than 150 years. After the discovery of the first iron mines in the south of the country, a region called Minett, the country saw industrial sites multiply and its economy enrich considerably.
From the combined Burbach-Eich-Dudelange steelworks, through the creation of Arbed, the merger with Aceralia and Usinor in 2001 to finally becoming ArcelorMittal in 2012, the Group has always existed here in Luxembourg while maintaining its headquarters there.
1911 - Creation of Arbed
On this date, six blast furnaces were fired to start production.
Watch the film on 100 years of the Luxembourg steel industry - from Arbed (Aciéries Réunies de Burbach, Eich et Dudelange) to ArcelorMittal.
1976 - Creation of Mittal Steel
Mittal Steel’s rapid growth since 1989 has been the result of a successful consolidation strategy combined with a number of significant acquisitions.
Since establishing operations in Trinidad and Tobago in 1989, some of its major acquisitions are Siderurgica del Balsas (Mexico) in 1992, Sidbec (Canada) in 1994, Karmet (Kazakhstan) and Hamburger Stahlwerke (Germany) in 1995 , Thyssen Duisburg (Germany) in 1997, Inland Steel (US) in 1998, Unimetal (France) in 1999, Sidex (Romania) and Annaba (Algeria) in 2001, Nova Hut (Czech Republic) in 2003, BH Steel (Bosnia) , Balkan Steel (Macedonia), PHS (Poland) and Iscor (South Africa) in 2004, ISG (US), Kryvorizhstal (Ukraine) as well as a substantial interest from Hunan Valin Steel (China) in 2005, and three subsidiaries of Stelco Inc (Canada) in 2006.
2002 - Creation of Arcelor
Arcelor was created in February 2002 by the merger of Arbed (Luxembourg), Aceralia (Spain) and Usinor (France).
Arcelor also had significant steel production facilities in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Brazil and Argentina. Arcelor acquired a majority stake in Companhia Siderurgica Tubarao (now part of the ArcelorMittal Brasil group) in 2004, Huta Warszawa (Poland) in 2005, a majority stake in Sonasid (Morocco), as well as Dofasco (Canada) in 2006. At the time of the merger with Mittal Steel, Arcelor was the second largest steel producer in the world.
2006 - Creation of ArcelorMittal
In 2007, the newly merged ArcelorMittal continued to pursue an expansive growth strategy with 35 deals announced worldwide.
In early 2008, ArcelorMittal continued to make investments, with major transactions announced in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States and Venezuela, including the majority was completed. But following the deterioration of the economic situation during 2008, ArcelorMittal suspended most of its investment activities at the end of the year.
Post-crisis, ArcelorMittal has cautiously restarted certain projects to capture growth in the main emerging markets and in mines.
2016 - Action 2020, a 5-year strategic plan
In 2016, the company announced Action 2020, a five-year strategic plan targeting US$3 billion in structural improvement in EBITDA and annualized cash flow exceeding US$2 billion by 2020. The tenth anniversary of the merger between Arcelor and Mittal Steel was celebrated in August 2016, a merger which paved the way for ten years of industrial leadership by ArcelorMittal.
2020 - Our commitments to low carbon steel
ArcelorMittal announces in 2020 its commitment to be carbon neutral at group level by 2050, reinforcing its commitment made in 2019 for its European activities to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030, and be carbon neutral by 2050.
2022 - Our commitments to our communities
ArcelorMittal Luxembourg was the main partner of Esch2022, European Capital of Culture. A partnership which demonstrates ArcelorMittal’s commitment to the Luxembourg cultural world.
2024 - First 100% environmental investment
ArcelorMittal Long Products Luxembourg is committed to reducing diffuse emissions from its installations in Differdange to a minimum.