ArcelorMittal Health and Safety Day in Luxembourg: we always choose the safest way

Luxembourg, April 27, 2019 – Launched in 2003 by the International Labor Office and traditionally scheduled for 28 April, the "World Day for Safety and Health at Work" focuses on the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

ArcelorMittal celebrates its health and safety day for the 13th consecutive year. The theme for this edition is: "We always choose the safest way". Behind this formula, the topic of the day should lead everyone to remember that security is not the business of one day per year but an alertness to maintain throughout the year. It starts with the awareness of avoiding risky behavior, without resign to routine, and a personal commitment to accompany colleagues in a daily approach.

The industrial plants of Belval, Differdange, Bissen, Dommeldange and Rodange offer teams various workshops to make everyone sensibilized of this awareness, and in particular to understand the "security dilemmas": in some cases indeed, to solve a ponctual situation, an action that contravenes safety rules could be considered. The leitmotiv "we always choose the safest way" reminds the good decisions to be made, always in favor of the safety of people and installations.

Administrative buildings are not forgotten in this process. At the Luxembourg City headquarters, employees were offered training in first aid (cardiac massage, use of defibrillator) and awareness through a virtual reality application revealing the risks of using mobile phone while driving. This day was preceded by a communication campaign for the administrative staff addressing various topics such as holding the ramp on the stairs, park in reversein parkings, safe evacuation of office buildings, shared vigilance or risks of using the phone while driving or on the street.

In 2018, ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg recorded a lost-time accident frequency rate* of 0.68, a deterioration from the 2017 result of 0.2, the best result ever recorded in Luxembourg by our company. This result, which corresponds to 9 accidents with stoppages and a fatal accident for all the Group’s sites in Luxembourg and all of its employees and co-contractors, reminds us how much health and safety at work remains an absolute priority for each, at every moment.

Roland Bastian, Head of Country Luxembourg, precised:

"For the Group’s 4000 employees and co-contractors in Luxembourg, health and safety remains ArcelorMittal’s number one priority. We are fully committed to achieving our goal of zero accidents for the Group all over the world. Our approach is in line with the "Vision Zero" supported by the UEL and our common desire is that everyone returns to their home in good health after their day of work. It is an ambitious challenge that requires continuous effort and awareness, but it is possible."

(*) Frequency rate calculation:

Fr = ( Accidents with stoppages + mortal accidents ) / Million hours worked