Net-zero carbon
Steel industry is facing its biggest change in its history, the transition through a low-carbon steel production with the final target to be carbon neutral by 2050.
In Luxembourg, ArcelorMittal is commited in the ResponsibleSteel™ programme, the first global certification on steel supplies.
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Sustainable development policy
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ArcelorMittal Foundation Luxembourg
Reactivated in 2021, the ArcelorMittal Foundation Luxembourg aims to manage all CSR initiaves supporting actions in Luxembourg. It also aims to valorize our commitments on the four following pillars: Environment, Education, Social, Culture and Heritage.
News related to responsibilities
ArcelorMittal Long Products Luxembourg receives ResponsibleSteel™ certification renewal for three more years
The ArcelorMittal Long Products Luxembourg sites have received a renewal of their ResponsibleSteel™ certification for the next three years, following an in-depth audit.
Reinforcement of investments to improve air quality in Differdange
The Differdange steel plant has moved its black slag pits to a specially designed hall to reduce the dust emissions observed during its handling.