Happy skyscraper day from Luxembourg!

Happy skyscraper day from Luxembourg!

Did you know that it takes at least 40 floors for a building to be called a "skyscraper"? Today, we have the opportunity to learn more about these extraordinary (...)
First-class quality after 120 years

First-class quality after 120 years

Our steel found in mint condition in a 1904 house In the city of Bonn in Germany, steel beams produced by ArcelorMittal’s mill of Differdange were recently discovered (...)
Rodange grooved rails in Finland

Rodange grooved rails in Finland

The 25 km Jokeri Light Rail tram line, including 16 km in Helsinki and the remaining 9 km in Espoo, will replace the current main bus line 550, which is the busiest in (...)
« Made in Luxembourg » for the Grand-Duchy!

« Made in Luxembourg » for the Grand-Duchy!

​All citizens and cross-border workers of the Grand Duchy are aware of the major changes underway to improve the mobility within the country. Free transport since March (...)
Get to Luton airport (London) in only 30 minutes

Get to Luton airport (London) in only 30 minutes

Luton Airport is London’s fourth-largest airport, with 16.5 million passengers per year. As from 2021, an automated guided people mover, or light metro, will improve (...)