ArcelorMittal Kirchberg
The future world headquarters of ArcelorMittal is currently under construction on avenue John F. Kennedy, in the Kirchberg district of Luxembourg City. Innovative and responsible, it pays tribute to Luxembourg steel with 10,000 tonnes produced in Luxembourg. Called ArcelorMittal Kirchberg Headquarters, it will house management functions for the entire Group worldwide from 2026.
A modern, responsible and “made in Luxembourg” building
Designed by the architectural firm Wilmotte et Associés, with the mission of "designing a modern and sustainable building that exploits the full potential of steel from top to bottom", the new ArcelorMittal headquarters is a showcase of the use low-emission steel in sustainable construction. The building incorporates 10,000 tonnes of ArcelorMittal steel, mainly produced in Luxembourg from XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel whose carbon footprint is seven to eight times lower than that of conventional steel, representing a saving of more than 10 tonnes of CO2 per beam.
The building has a crystal appearance, spirals outward and opens onto the city through a green façade. ArcelorMittal Kirchberg Headquarters offers flexible and modular work and living spaces to guarantee an excellent working environment for employees. For example, each of the 2,600 workstations will benefit from natural light. The building will be fully compliant with three major environmental labels:
Our new global headquarters is the perfect symbol of ArcelorMittal’s purpose: “smarter steels for people and planet.
Aditya Mittal, CEO ArcelorMittal
The construction of the new ArcelorMittal headquarters in the Grand Duchy marks the desire to perpetuate and deepen the historic link between the country and the steel industry. This is a strong signal of the group’s desire to invest in Luxembourg. This is recognition of the quality of our Luxembourg steels, which represent nearly 90% of all the steel integrated into this building.
Michel Wurth, Board Member of ArcelorMittal and ArcelorMittal Luxembourg President
The construction of ArcelorMittal new headquarters, ArcelorMittal Kirchberg Headquarters, was officially launched on June 21, 2023.
News from the new headquarters under construction
The construction of the ArcelorMittal Kirchberg Headquarters kickstarted!
Construction officially starts on ArcelorMittal’s new headquarters building in Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal et le Fonds Kirchberg annoncent le gagnant de la consultation d’architectes pour la conception du nouveau siège du leader mondial de l’acier
Notes explicatives
[1] BRE Environmental Assessment Method” (BREEAM) is the method for assessing the environmental behavior of buildings developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), a private British building research organization.
[2] The DGNB system provides an objective description and assessment of the sustainability of buildings and urban districts. When a performance requirement is met, the DGNB awards the DGNB certificate in bronze, silver, gold or platinum.
[3] WELL is a benchmark based on the measurement, certification and monitoring of the performance of features of the built environment that influence human health and well-being: air, water, diet, light, physical activity, comfort and mind.