Net-zero carbon

ArcelorMittal is committed to carbon neutrality group-wide by 2050, with the intermediate objective of achieving a reduction in CO2 emissions of 35% by 2030 in Europe and 25% worldwide.
These two objectives are the most ambitious in the entire steel sector and reflect our desire to contribute to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the European Union’s Green Deal.

A low-carbon production in Luxembourg

Since the 1990s, crude steel production in Luxembourg has been 100% electric.
98% of the raw material used in our steelworks comes from the recycling of metal waste and the electricity used to operate the furnaces is of carbon-free origin. This makes Luxembourg steel production one of the lowest carbon-emitting in the world.

Thanks to this, most of our “Made in Luxembourg” products are labeled XCarb®: beams and sections, rails, special sections, etc.

Cycle bridge erected with XCarb® T-sections made in Differdange

Decarbonization projects in Luxembourg


The SteelUp! aims to modernize the entire ArcelorMittal Long Products Luxembourg steelworks in Belval so that it can supply with low-carbon steel to Mill A in Rodange. This project combines process optimization, relocation and reduction of our carbon footprint per tonne of steel. Thanks to this project, the final carbon footprint of Mill A products will be divided by six.
To understand the SteelUp! project, watch the video below:

Bissen, net-zero target

The Bissen site aims to become WireSolutions’ first entirely “green” site by 2026: green, productive, profitable. The desire is to convert the Bissen site into a “green” site: complete cessation of the use of fossil natural gas and 100% replacement by renewable energies, significant reduction in energy consumption, transformation of the site into a place with high productivity by implementing cutting-edge technologies in wire drawing and galvanizing.

One of the largest solar farm in Luxembourg

ArcelorMittal European Logistic Center

ArcelorMittal European Logistics Center will host in 2024 one of the largest solar farm in the country with more than 8,600 photovoltaic panels on its roof.
The energy produced by this installation covering 37,500 m2 of surface area and 9 storage halls should exceed 4,600 MWh per year.
The site will thus be self-sufficient in electricity and the surplus will be primarily consumed by ArcelorMittal’s industrial facilities in Luxembourg.

Floating solar panels

In 2021, ArcelorMittal and Enovos inaugurated the first floating photovoltaic farm in Luxembourg. 25,000 m2 of solar panels were installed on the former cooling pool of the Differdange site, covering an area of 5.7 hectares. Electricity production amounts to 3 GWh/year and can cover the needs of nearly 800 homes, or the annual consumption of 3,200 persons.

Floating solar farm in Differdange

Decarbonisation news

The largest beam in the world is Luxembourgish

The largest beam in the world is Luxembourgish

From the scrap yard to the tallest skyscrapers, the W14x1000lb/ft section is the largest and heaviest steel beam in the world and its journey is nothing short of remarkable!

