AOB - together to plant a new tree in the park
Our AOB colleagues came together to plant a 14-year-old oak tree (Quercus bicolor) in the park around the building. This initiative, led by the Real Estate Luxembourg and Facility Management teams, aims to replace our lamented diseased beech tree felled at the beginning of the month. Gathered with enthusiasm, armed with shovels and big smiles, the participants each took turns adding their shovel and helping to bring this new life to our park.
This event marks the culmination of the employee involvement process in this Real Estate project. In fact, they were the ones who voted for the tree species to replace beech. The oak was then chosen and we all hope to see it take root, grow and fill with leaves becoming majestic in our park. Usually a symbol of longevity, this oak demonstrates our team spirit and our desire to preserve nature at every scale.