Building IV keys officially given to frEsch association
Monday, July 13, 2020 - This Friday July 10, Madame Margaux Radici, Head of Real Estate Luxembourg & Germany of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg officially handed over the keys of Building IV to the President of the a.s.b.l. frEsch, Mr. Pierre-Marc Knaff, for a 3 years period. The keys were given in the presence of the College of Burgomasters and Aldermen of the City of Esch and representatives of certain associations (ILL, Hariko and Cueva) who will be welcomed in Building IV.
Built at the beginning of the 20th century, Building IV is the former management building for the Esch-Schifflange plant, now owned by ArcelorMittal Luxembourg. It also hosted a school for the health professions in the early 2000s and had not been occupied since 2014. It is in memory of this industrial heritage that the project will keep the original name of the building.
The managers of frEsch will now be able to start the Building IV project. The association will make available to various stakeholders (residents, associations and cultural and socio-cultural institutions), creative spaces and will encourage meetings and synergies between them. Building IV will notably host various ambitious projects for the year 2022, European Capital of Culture, thanks to the support of the City of Esch and the exceptional funding of the National Relief Work Grand Duchess Charlotte.