Renewal of our Responsible Company label!
The ESR (Socially Responsible Company) and Responsibility Europe label of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg successfully renewed.
ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg has submitted to the new evaluation version of this unique Luxembourg label which thoroughly reviews each company’s strategy in terms of Sustainable Development, its governance mechanisms, the social and environmental dimensions of its activities. and the corresponding impacts. Recommendations and an improvement plan, based on the results of the audit carried out by independent experts, were sent in 2018 to the ArcelorMittal CSR team in Luxembourg in charge of this audit. Three years later, our company has improved on two key points, given the complexity of our organization and the nature of our impacts: strategy and the environment. See you now in three years, with new progress to share!
This label allows us to see ourselves recognized by the Responsibility Europe label which is distinguished by demanding commitments:
- It is based on international standards such as ISO 26000, an international benchmark for corporate social responsibility, and on the 17 sustainable development goals set by the UN.
- It guarantees that the labeled company or organization has been assessed using a transparent methodology and subject to quality control carried out on site by an independent third party.
- It assesses the level of maturity and CSR performance of companies and organizations, which takes into account the expectations of society and the interests of stakeholders.
Issued by AFNOR in France, INDR in Luxembourg and Ecoparc in Switzerland, it adds international recognition to companies labeled in their respective countries, by strengthening the credibility and clarity of their global actions and their social and environmental impact. Thus displayed, the Responsibility Europe label becomes an argument for international credibility and competitiveness. To date, more than 500 companies and organizations have been labeled, and 2,500 have committed to a CSR labeling process.
Congratulations to all the business experts who contributed to this success!